We do not regularly 'deliver' groceries. If you live in Bath Housing...we have set up at system that the employees of BH pick up boxes/bags of groceries and deliver them to Bath Housing residents. IF YOU HAVE A FRIEND or NEIGHBOR that can pick up for you..we would be more than happy to accommodate that. They will need some information to fill out the needed paper work, name, address, phone number,...
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Produce donations during summer months
Do you have an overabundance of produce this summer? We can take your donations..but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am-4pm. This way your produce will go out that day to our families. We have a difficult time moving 'greens'.. Produce must be clean and 'pest free'. THANK YOU for your donations!
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HOW TO….pick up groceries/receive a meal
The BAFB has been working hard to make sure individuals/families do not go hungry during these very difficult times. We do update our facebook page regularly, so 'liking' that page will give you updated information. If you would like a home cooked meal...we distribute to ANYONE no questions asked, Tuesday and Thursday from 12-2. You will come in ONE AT A TIME the double glass doors in the front of...
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