Annual ‘fill a bus’ 18th and 19th

This years annual FILL A BUS will be November 18th and 19th. Bath Bus Service has generously lent us a bus for TWO DAYS so we can FILL IT at the Bath Shaws supermarket. We will also be 'filling a van' at Brackets Market on the same days! We will gladly offer you a list of the items WE NEED when you arrive..JOIN US!
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Liability Waiver for 2017 Turkey Trot

BATH AREA FOOD 2017 Turkey Trot Age (if under18, please have your parent/guardian sign the waiver below) __ I have attached my minimum donation of $25 per person __ I cannot participate but please accept my tax-deductible donation of $_________   Liability Waiver Form Release of Liability Waiver   I hereby assume for myself, my heirs and my personal representatives all risks which...
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WE ARE EXCITED to announce our 2017 Bath Area Food Bank Turkey Trot!  We will be starting at the Library Park.We will be trotting thru Bath and is a little over 3 miles (a 5k).  Registration begins at 7:30am and we will Run, Trot, Walk, Crawl at 8am. Wear your CRAZIEST outfit, turkey costume, hat etc. Many of our families wear matching T shirts! Lets give Bath a SHOW! Registration is $25...
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Bath Area Food Mobiles

The Bath Area Food Mobile will be at Grace Episcopal Church, 1100 Washington street on October 31st and December 19th from 2-3:30pm. Please bring bags and boxes to carry your groceries home.  ANYONE is welcome to participate and there is no paperwork to fill out. Please arrive chemical free. If you have any questions regarding the food mobiles, call 650-3478.
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Snacks for Hungry Students

For many years, the Bath Area Food Bank has supplied RSU1 schools healthy snacks for grades 1-12. It is an expensive program to keep up, but a necessary one. We went thru nearly 1000 pounds of snacks last year! These snacks are given to each school and teachers have them available to give to our food insecure kids.
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Morse Mini Food Pantry

Were you aware that the Bath Area Food Bank has a 'mini food pantry' available for students? It is in room 421, open from 7:30am-2:30pm, and is rarely locked. Students are able to visit the mini pantry as often as necessary. No questions asked. This is our second year in Morse and it is a very successful program. If you are willing to help by donating for our food insecure, homeless or couch surfi...
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Second Annual Walk for Hunger

Join us for our SECOND ANNUAL Walk for Hunger! September 23rd at Library Park. If you need a sponsorship form, feel free to contact Kimberly Gates at and I will send you a from via email, OR you can pick one up at Coastal Glass and Window (across the street from Walgreens) and pick up a form. We ask that each walker raise a minimum of $25.00. We will be at Library Park at 11am and ...
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This summer July 1-August 31 the Bath Area Kitchen Table is offering ANY child a hot meal Mon-Wed-Fri and on those same days children will be offered a 'bag lunch' and a 'bag breakfast' to take home and eat on days we are closed. EVERYONE is welcome of all ages..but only children will receive the meals to go. We are hoping to reach out to as many young families as we can..we are here to help you g...
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