2024 Turkey Trot IS COMING!

Want to sign up online, and save $10.00? Here is the link: https://runsignup.com/Race/ME/Bath/BathAreaTurkeyTrot.
100% of what you pay for your trot goes directly to the food insecure families in the Bath area. We get sponsors to cover the cost of medals, pins, water, etc. The race begins at 9am…sign up starts at 8:30am. We only have ONE bathroom..and there is ALWAYS a line…We can’t wait to see you on the 28th at 807 Middle Street. The first 10 women and the first 10 men will receive a medal. So far, our sponsors for 2024 is Bath Savings Institution and Creative Play. We are still looking for more, if you are interested in sponsoring this year, reach out to our director Kimberly Gates at kimfgates@gmail.com.